Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Darth Vapers - Electronic cigarette - Ego Tank Review

Have you tried electronic cigarettes before and been disappointed in performance?  I can tell you from personal experience the ones the size of an actual cigarette will not satisfy the needs of most.  The reason?  Battery size and atomizer system.   The Ego Tank system consists of
  • User’s Manual
  • eGo Tank Atomizer – 2 Pieces
  • Rechargeable Lithium Ion Manual Batteries with the new on / off feature (650 mAh) - 2
  • Pouch
  • eGo USB Charger
  • USB Adapter to AC Wall Outlet
  • Tank Cartridges  – 5 Pieces

What is the difference between this model and the kind sold at the mall?  Well, one of the most attractive features of the eGo-T electronic cigarette starter kit is the batteries have a 'pocket friendly' 5 click on / off feature.  With the eGo-T batteries, users can eliminate accidental misfiring.  Just simply press the button 5 times quickly and the batter will turn off!  Repeat to turn the battery one.  The LED will blink to let you know.

The fully assembled battery of the eGo T electronic cigarette is tapered and has a very sleek design.  The two atomizers provided in the Joye eGo-T electronic cigarette starter kit are interchangeable with the Joye eGo.  So, Joye eGo electronic cigarette users can upgrade their battery and still continue to use both models at their convenience.  Also the battery connections are 510 making them compatible with most other 510 connection types ie: 510 atomizers, cartomizers and modifications.

The actual tank feeding system is the best part of this device!  Just simply fill one of your tank catridges.  Press into the atomizer until you hear a 'click' sound and you are good to go!  Holding 2.5ml of liquid this should last the average vaper the day.  No more carrying around bottles of juice.  Dripping on your atomizer all day.  No more Cleaning cartomizers and refilling them!

Also because with careful use the atomizer has a life of up to 6 months and cartridges can be refilled many times the cost vs other options is much less!

Quit fiddling around trying to make other options satisfy you try the Joye Ego-T Starter kit!  You can get yours HERE!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Karma Berry from Darth Vapers

This flavor has been in the works for a long time now.  What is Karma Berry?  The perfect marriage of dark and deep with light and sweet!  Ying and Yang is truly brought together with this complex flavor.  It will leave you deep in thought bringing pleasure to your inner being.  One of our new favorites!  Bring yourself 'Full Circle' and try some Karma Berry today exclusively at DarthVapers.com

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Darth Vapers - Smurph Berries

A customer favorite for a long time!  Smurph Berries is one of those flavors that people have a hard time pin pointing the taste of.  I have heard everything from fruity pebbles, lifesavers to indescribable.  Whatever you may taste you are guaranteed a light and sweet and new intriguing flavor. Take a break from your tobacco blends and try to analyze this very relaxing and satisfying juice!
Get your Smurph Berries at DarthVapers.com

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Darth Vapers - Electronic cigarette - Ego-w F1 Tank Review

Review of the Ego-w f1 tank from DarthVapers.com

 I was really excited to try out this new style of cartomizer!  I loved the idea of the clearomizer but hated how delicate it was (i drop things a lot LOL) and how thicker juices wouldn't wick properly!  So when I saw the ego-w f1 tank atomizer was constantly soaked in juice with NO polyfill or strings as well as having a cover with window to monitor the juice... I HAD TO HAVE IT!  

It is actually really clever how they made it work without leaking!  Let me give you a metaphor to help explain.  Have you ever gotten the big 2.5 liter spout jugs of water that fit in your fridge?  Do you know why you have to make a hole in the top to let the water flow freely?  Because of the vacuum created.  Air has to go in to take up space for the water to come out.  They took the same concept here.  By having a small channel on the edge of the tank it controls the amount of air flowing through.  That is why it is very important to have a tight seal with the tiny plug you remove and replace to fill with juice.  If your atomizer is making a bubbling sound, you do NOT have a tight seal.  As you use it after filling the seal will get tighter as the vacuum increases.  Let me show you how you fill the atomizer so you know what I am talking about.
The end result of the changes made is you never have to worry about burning any filling on accident.  You can clearly monitor your juice!  Less worry of breaking or leaking, I say less because I have heard some crazy stories from people on how they have broken their e-cigs before!  Also I love tank styles because I LOVE to mix and match juice flavors.  Something I could never do before with cartomizers.  Not because i'm unhappy with my juices AT ALL I just like to change what I am vaping CONSTANTLY lol! 

I am also becoming very fond of the penstyle!  This E-cig was made with stealth vaping in mind!  No joke, when fully assembled NO 'average joe' would even think twice that it wasn't a pen!  The only light that comes from this device is the blue LED button.  Easily covered if you have the button side facing towards you.
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone vaping in places you shouldn't! :)

In conclusion, this new style was designed to last with a 650mAh battery it should last the average vaper over a day!  It also feature the 'pocket friendly' 5 button click to turn the battery OFF to avoid misfiring.  The 'hardy' new F1 tank style atomizer boasts better vapor and no burnt taste and lives up to its claims! You can get yours for a great price at http://www.darthvapers.com/